La Elección Del Editor



Theophilos was emperor of the Byzantine Empire from 829 to 842 CE. He was the second ruler of the Amorion dynasty founded by his father Michael II. Popular during his reign and responsible for a lavish...

Las huelgas de 'Mad Bomber' en Nueva York

Las huelgas de 'Mad Bomber' en Nueva York

On March 29, 1951, a homemade device explodes at Grand Central Station in New York City, startling commuters but injuring no one. In the next few months, five more bombs were found at landmark sites around New York, including the public library. Authorities realized that this new wave of terrorist acts was the work of the Mad Bomber.

Historia de Iro Str - Historia

Historia de Iro Str - Historia

Iro(Str: t. 1,271; 1. 256& 39;; b. 37& 39;7& 34;; dr. 9& 39;; s. 10 k )Iro, a wooden steamer was launched in 1889 by the Path Iron Works, Bath, Maine. The Navy acquired her 8 August 1918 from the Hudson Navigation Co., New York Oity. Iro served as a patrol and freight boat in the 5th Naval District, operating out of Norfolk, until she was returned to her owner 30 April 191

Templo del Sol de Konark

Templo del Sol de Konark

Crédito de la imagen: Stephane Bidouze / Shutterstock El Templo del Sol de Konark, deletreado por algunos como Konarak y a veces llamado la "Pagoda Negra", en la India es un sitio del Patrimonio Mundial de la UNESCO. Historia del Templo del Sol, Konark El templo fue encargado en aproximadamente 1250AD por el Rey Narasimhadeva I de la dinastía del Ganges del Este, se cree que es una celebración de su victoria militar sobre los musulmanes.

La ira de los dioses: Eco-Armageddons históricos

La ira de los dioses: Eco-Armageddons históricos

Today human cultures suffer nuclear power station meltdowns, rivers of plastics destroying natural environments and petrol fumes clogging cities’ airways and human arteries, but ancient history is full of catastrophes which had natural origins.

Condiciones sanitarias en las ciudades

Condiciones sanitarias en las ciudades

Descripción de las condiciones sanitarias de los pueblos medievales.